Saturday, September 21, 2019

How Barbie Dolls Influence Girls Essay Example for Free

How Barbie Dolls Influence Girls Essay How we ever wonder why in toys stores, they separate the girl’s toys from the boys? Or why they have certain kind of toys for girls and boys?. We don’t think about those things. However, we see that dolls are for the girls because how we grew up. Also what society establishes show us, that girls are suppose to play with dolls because when they grow up, they would have to become mothers or housewife, be delicates and more feminine. Therefore this type of mentality was created in girls since they were little and because this is socially acceptable. Boys toys like trucks, cars and action figures, are not consider appropriate for girls because they are not consider to be feminine. According to society those types of toys are only for boys because this would teach them to be more manliness and increase their masculinity. This boys would grow up to be the strong sex and they would be the support of their family while women would take care of the babies and the house. Girls are brainwash with the toys they use, like when girls play with baby dolls, when they carry around their doll, wraps them in a blanket and take them for a nap they are learning true responsibility. However, they are taught to become mothers to early in life. They also play with popular Barbie doll, which also creates a woman stereotype that looks very unreal. These dolls represent the perfect model that is professional and has the perfect life. As a result girls visualize this doll as the type of model to follow, visualizing and creating in their young minds a type of life that doesn’t exist. Like having the perfect outfit, the perfect car or the handsome boyfriend that could cheat on them or treat them bad and that regardless of this situation it wouldn’t affect them. â€Å"Since her creation in 1959, Barbie has been a popular toy for young girls in the U. S. In 1998, on average, girls in the U. S. owned eight of these dolls and approximately two were purchased every second somewhere in the world†. By Elise Abramson). Consequently when girls play with Barbie dolls, their ways to view life is different. They create a new world where they become perfect grown ups, which is a major influence in the way they behave and think. Barbie is not a good role model for girls because this doll sends a wrong message to them about their roles in society. Barbie focus more on shopping and always being perfect with her unrealistic body. Also some of these dolls come showing some career like veterinarians, octors but always focusing on being cute and only working with cute things. Therefore, girls think about it as the way things are suppose to be and they try to act what they see or imagine, creating different scenes in their heads that projects the wonderful life that is perpetuate by this doll. In short, what we have to consider too, is that those negatives images impose by this doll to girls is also reinforce by society, which also creates a certain stereotype of women and they way she should be and look.

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